Returning to work last week gave me a feeling of reconnection. I didn't express myself as enthusiastically as the dancers on the wall of the SF Ballet building, but there was an inner joy... just being alive!
I only commute to the office two days a week during my first month back. Nurses thought I was rushing things to return so quickly, but my doctor allowed me to give it a try. I made it through my regular shifts, but was extremely tired at the end of the day. Normally, I read on the bus when not enjoying the beautiful views over the
Golden Gate Bridge and through Marin and Sonoma Counties. This week, my tongue and eyes burned and I was too tired to even bother with my Ipod. Thankfully, Viola chauffered me home from the bus stop. The telecommuting days are much easier, more relaxed, and without the commute. It felt great returning to work--getting out in the world again and feeling productive.
I tried a short walk on my first day back. The California Supreme Courthouse is just a block from my office. It was surrounded by wild crowds reacting to the same sex marriage ruling. How sad and disappointing to deny fellow citizens the right to
marry! On my second commute day, I made it to one my favorite places-- the main San Francisco Library. It surprised me how much that short walk tired me.
Below you can witness my ambition surpassing my ability. Our daughter and grandson, Susanne and Bryce, were actually the ones who moved most of that dirt while I spread it around new raised beds in the garden. The beds are up and the vegetables and herbs are now growing. Another year and another garden. A garden is wonderful statement about life. Always a joy, this year it is something more.