Last night, after 5 long, anxious days, I got a call from my oncologist with the results of my PET Scan. The news was excellent- class 1 meaning that my cancer is localized to one area only. The worst class for lymphoma is class 4 meaning the cancer has spread throughout the body and bone marrow transplants may be necessary.
Earlier in the day, I had a post-op visit with the surgeon. He said everything looked good. The lump under the surgical cut was normal with lymph biopsies and is referred to as a healing ridge. It felt more like a mountain range for more than a week. I couldn't let my arm close to my body without causing pain. Viola teased me as I walked around the house with one hand on my hip.
The good news leaked out by the surgeon before lunch had us celebrating. The oncologist sobered us up a little with the treatment protocol. I will need weekly transfusions of 7 drugs which may be administered through a port in my arm. That will last for 8 weeks after which I will begin 4 weeks of daily radiation treatments. That news sure made the cancer seem real.
But I am ready to win this one now and hope to get started next week. Yes, that wise Indian once told me to always look forward and never back.
The page is beautiful and it definitely sets the intention that this is going to be a healing! Many blessings for stage one. I would really look into doing acupuncture alont with this process. From all of those that I know that have endured the regimen that you about to start their whole self managed much better using acupuncture in conjunction. You are all in my thoughts daily! Remeber we are here if you need anything at all. Marianna & Mike