I was feeling an urge to do something creative. Unable to play my guitar and not focused enough to tackle creative writing, I turned to photography of everyday subjects in our home. Enjoy! Why not?
A gathering in the China cabinet
Modern art fly swatter on porch
Mournful coyote eyes - detail of Neal Crosbie oil painting
Peter--thanks so much for all of the sharing that you have done in this blog. We have all been a part of your experience through the richness of your words and the beauty of your images. We love you and think of you often. Terri & Wayne
This blog updates with my progress through cancer. The newest post will always appear first. For those who want to follow this journey from the beginning, go to the oldest post in archive list or scroll to the bottom. Photos may be enlarged by clicking on them. I may be emailed at: petersonoma@gmail.com
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Peter--thanks so much for all of the sharing that you have done in this blog. We have all been a part of your experience through the richness of your words and the beauty of your images. We love you and think of you often. Terri & Wayne