Friday, March 13, 2009

and the Bleo goes to...Peter Spencer!

Bleomycin is the primary cancer fighting drug I received this week.  The nurses refer to it as "Bleo".  That has a friendly sound--like an award one might receive rather than the nickname for a dangerous chemical agent.  Bleomycin is a fierce killer of cancer invaders.  Unfortunately, it kills with reckless abandon and many of the innocent cells in my body suffer the same fate as the cancer cells.  My mouth is often the most bothersome.  It feels like it's coated with aluminum flavored Pepto Bismo.

The blood clot in my right arm continues to be very painful.  Normally, I tend to avoid pain pills, but I'm forced to take Vicodin now.  It was very disappointing to learn the blood clot may take up to six months to resolve.  It seems cruel to get a blood clot on top of chemotherapy.  I read that only 1-2 percent of chemo patients develop clots, but that didn't make me feel much better.  C'est la vie!

While not getting out much these days, I look for beauty in small things.  The other night I took these pictures of tulip shadows while sitting at our dinner table.  The tulips are beautiful, to be sure, but the shadows are beautiful in quite another way.  My life feels a little like a shadow land these days; like Peter is somewhere else and only a shadow remains.  I know I will blossom and glow again like the bright tulips that made these wistful shadows.

For those who are following the food descriptors of my tumor, it is now the size of a small bean.  Yes, the dreaded chemicals have nearly erased the cancer in my body.  Two more weeks of chemotherapy and then a CT scan on April 8th to confirm that the cancer is gone.


  1. Anonymous3/14/2009

    It's amazing to me that you continue to write so eloquently and with humor and humility as you face such a great challenge. You are winning because that is what you set out to do. I'm so proud that you are my Dad. We may not be invincible, but we are strong in both mind and body. Keep fighting Dad. We are fighting with you, no matter how far away we are! I love you. You inspire me every day!

  2. Andrew is absolutely correct. He also writes eloquently and with much love. Peter you have reminded us all that it is the little things in life that truly matter the most. The shadows on the wall, the dew upon a flower, a ray of sunlight, a smile or the sound of laughter. Thank you for the reminder and thank you again for sharing your journey.

    We are all praying for you and casting positive thoughts into the universe. April 8 is going to be a triumphant day!

    Many blessings and hugs

    Marianna & Mike

  3. Anonymous3/20/2009

    Peter: I admire your willingness to be creative within your relative physical confines; that takes courage and ....probably some boredom to implement.

    Congratulations on only 1 more chemo treatment; I hope your "bean" will be erased at that point. Good wishes to you and V; I think of you both often. Harlene
