Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not that too!

I received some disturbing information at my radiation education session.  I was prepared to hear about the side effects, such as burning of the skin and fatigue.  I learned that I will get some scarring in my lungs and possibly in my throat.  But nothing prepared me for the news that I would lose my chest hair.  "Not that too!", I cried.

There is only so much a man can take and I so I began googling chest hair loss.  Much to my relief, there are solutions for this most embarassing of problems. 
Yes, you probably recognize it, an actual Austin Power's chest hair piece for only $19.95.

An even simpler solution is a shirt I can wear on those hot days of summer when I want a natural look.

Should my deepest fear be realized and my chest hair fails to grow back, there are the Japanese chest hair implant clinics.

My google search even lead me to a mystery that my new specialized knowledge solved.  I know there is no mystery in the article below, it is simply one of the side effects of chest radiation.

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