Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Day, Another Dose

During the initial part of my radiation series, I began to put some normalcy back into my life. I drove a car again, visited the local library, and had lunch at our local Cafe Citti.  Viola and I visited the nearby Quarry Hill Botanical Garden. Walking around forty acres of rare and endangered Asian plants felt great, even if it did wear me out. We sat by some Tibetan prayer flags looking out at our valley and feeling grateful at being alive.

Now, after two weeks of radiation, I am beginning to feel more fatigue.  There is a sunburned feeling on my left upper body that includes both on the skin and deep in the tissues.  The effects of radiation are cumulative and what I am feeling is to be expected.  My radiologist wants me to wait at least two to three weeks after my last dose before returning to work.  Another month of feeling tired, sore, and basically lousy. So far, I am lucky that frequent applications of Aquaphor, a vaseline-like skin lotion, have keptmy skin in pretty good shape- just a blush of color.

This weekend our daughter, Zoe, visited with granddaughter, Teagan.  Now that's a way to cheer up a tired guy.

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